What’s in an OP? - The Maturation of Hachikuji Mayoi

Even though its plot is fantastic in every sense of the word, the real draw of Monogatari are its characters. They’re clearly the forefront of the series, and each gets their own special featured OP. What I find most interesting about this is that Monogatari preserves a sense of continuity even through its openings. Watching the change in Nadeko from Renai Circulation to Mousou Express is striking, as well as Kanbaru’s inner turmoil in “the last day of my adolesence.“ Here I’d like to quickly go through Hachikuji’s growth, and how that growth is shown throughout her openings. Sorry, I did this one in a hurry! I’ll get subtitles up for those who usually use those, as well as other elements. I apologize in advance for the thrown together editing. #12daysofanime ____ End card design by Bakuretsu: Twitter: Patreon: Reddit:
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