The MOST DISGUSTING Things That Were Normal For The Vikings

The MOST DISGUSTING Things That Were Normal For The Vikings Even now, many books and countless films have been created about the Vikings, but they are all still encased in a romantic Halo. Here, the Vikings established many strange, if not terrifying, traditions. From the viewpoint of Modern Men. You are watching the reverse of history, and now we will tell you about the Vikings and their customs and rituals. Many Scandinavians migrated elsewhere to seek their fortunes between 800 and 1100. The Vikings, often known as the Norsemen, attacked British coastal settlements, particularly unguarded monasteries. They were pirates, raiders, traders, and settlers in a lot of Britain, Europe, Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland over the following three centuries. Contrary to what is commonly believed, the Vikings were not a “race“ united by a shared history or sense of nationalism. The most well-known Vikings originated in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, while historical accounts also refer to Saami, Finn
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