Heart Sounds | Complete Cardiac Sounds with Audio | Heart Sounds Made Easy
If you are stuck with heart sounds, this video will help you organize & revise heart sounds alongwith audio of the heart sounds. Heart sounds are made super easy to master.
All you need to remember for exams are summarized here.
Heart sounds can be categorized into Normal, Extra, Additional sounds & Murmurs for the sake of simplicity.
1. Normal Heart Sounds - S1, S2
2. Extra Heart Sounds - S3, S4
3. Additional Heart Sounds - Clicks (i.e., Ejection systolic clicks, Other Systolic Clicks) & Snap (Opening Snap)
4. Murmurs - Systolic, Diastolic & Continuous Murmurs
Pericarditis, Tumor plop, Pericardial knock, Prosthetic valve sounds are some other cardiac sounds which are not included here & shall be discussed in future videos.
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