A Robot That Juggles? Why Did I Even Start This?? | Channel Intro

Welcome to my channel, where I take on the slightly crazy challenge of building a juggling robot! In this short introduction video, I’ll give you a quick rundown of my Jugglebot project and why I embarked on this wild journey. We’ll cover: - The origins of the Jugglebot idea and what sparked my curiosity. - A few big goals of the project. - A brief overview of the progress I’ve made so far and what you can expect to see in my videos. If you’re intrigued by the concept of a juggling robot and want to join me on this adventure, make sure to subscribe and follow my progress! I’ll be sharing my successes, failures, and everything in between. *** Juggling Lab *** *** Deep Blue Reference *** “Deep Blue“ is referring to the eponymous chess-playing algorithm that beat Garry Kasparov in 1997, forever changing the dynamics between humans and computers in the domain of chess. (chess_computer) Also if you’re curious, this is the siteswap used in the “Jugglebot swarm“ scene: *Angled Bracket* 3p2 3 3p3 3p4 3p5 3 3p3 3p3 3p1 3p4 3p3 3p3 3p2 3 3p3 3p4 3p5 3 3p3 3p3 3p1 3p4 3p3 3p3 3p2 3 3p3 3p4 3p5 3 3p3 3p3 3p1 3p4 3p3 3p3 5p2 5p2 5p2 0 0 | 3p3 3 3p4 3p5 3p1 3 3p4 3p1 3p3 3p2 3p4 3p1 3p3 3 3p4 3p5 3p1 3 3p4 3p1 3p3 3p2 3p4 3p1 3p3 3 3p4 3p5 3p1 3 3p4 3p1 3p3 3p2 3p4 3p1 5p3 5p3 5p3 0 0 | 3p4 3 3p5 3p1 3p2 3 3p1 3p4 3p4 3p1 3p1 3p4 3p4 3 3p5 3p1 3p2 3 3p1 3p4 3p4 3p1 3p1 3p4 3p4 3 3p5 3p1 3p2 3 3p1 3p4 3p4 3p1 3p1 3p4 5p4 5p4 5p4 0 0 | 3p5 3 3p1 3p2 3p3 3 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 3p5 3 3p1 3p2 3p3 3 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 3p5 3 3p1 3p2 3p3 3 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 3p2 3p5 5p5 5p5 5p5 0 0 | 3p1 3 3p2 3p3 3p4 3 3 3p2 3 3p3 3 3p2 3p1 3 3p2 3p3 3p4 3 3 3p2 3 3p3 3 3p2 3p1 3 3p2 3p3 3p4 3 3 3p2 3 3p3 3 3p2 5p1 5p1 5p1 0 0 * Angled bracket * (Angled brackets aren’t allowed in YouTube descriptions for some reason 🤷‍♂️. You only need an opening one at the start, and a closing one at the end) And if you want the colours to be matched up, add the following to the “Manual settings“ box on Juggling Lab: colors = {blue} {blue} {blue} {blue} {blue} {green} {green} {green} {green} {green} {red} {red} {red} {red} {red} {red}
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