Ferro Silicon Manganese FeSiMn prices in China market 2023

At the beginning of the week, silicon- manganese futures continued to open lower, showing weak performance, and the morning market price fell below the 7100 line. The mood of the factory is low, and the willingness to make an offer is not strong, revealing the frustration that inquiries are deserted and prices are difficult to close. And this week, major domestic steel mills will successively open bids for the purchase price of silicomanganese in April. The market has not been stabilized due to the steel recruitment node, and it still shows a trend of continuing to weaken slightly. The quotations in the north of the silicomanganese market gradually fell back to around 7,000, and the actual retail transaction was at a low level of 6,900-6,950 yuan/ton, which does not rule out the existence of lower prices. The quotation in the south is still 100-150 yuan/ton higher than that in the north, but the bidding of downstream steel mills is mostly in the range of 7350-7400 accepted to the factory, so retail transac
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