The High Priestess
The Second Release,
A companion to the Magician-
A Musical journey
through the Major Arcana...
A veil between the seen & unseen,
Conscious & subconscious,
A door to a new realm,
Only few will choose the journey.
Our Sacred Knowledge,
Of Being Human,
The Usher
Of Awareness.
Trust Your Connection,
& Inner Wisdom
For what lies ahead
Will be an adventure.
The beginnings of this song arrived on the Island of Hawai’i- during a retreat at Kalani, when the earth began to shake & and the Volcano Kilauea erupted changing the pattern of life for many souls on the planet.
You will Rise,
When the River Calls you,
Come Along
If you Dare
Theres a Wise
& An Old’n story
Come Alive,
If you dare.
If you Dare.
Song Credits:
Featuring Harpist Dave Hoover
Bassist Jared May
Cellist Shannon Hayden