Black Cats (1953)

Cat Audition, London. M/S Women and children sitting holding cats. M/S Bearded youth stroking cat. M/S Two women with their cats. M/S The group. C/U Oldish woman with cat. M/S Line of men and women holding their cats up presumably in front of the stage. M/S Jimmy Handley stroking cat in woman’s arms L/S Group on the stage around Handley. M/S Handley being playful with cat in woman’s arms. M/S Group of press photographers. M/S Woman hands cat back to owner and takes another one. L/S Crowd on the stage. M/S Three women holding cats. M/S Press Photographers. M/S Woman and youth holding cats. M/S Woman holding cat while it is examined. M/S Cat on lead... Tilt up to man with notes speaking to the woman holding the lead. M/S Small girl, sitting on basket and holding cat. M/S of actress Hazel Court holding cat and talking to another woman. C/U The other woman with a cat in her arms. C/U Hazel Court holding cat against her face. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITIS
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