Futuristic Lover - Supernatural Collab - Hot || Katy Perry - E.T.

I was bored and extended my parts from a SPN Collab into an entire video. So it’s kind of a collab but not really, you know? *lol* You might notice that the colouring in the Sam/Ruby parts ind of sucks compared to the others, but silly me forgot to save the uncoloured version. Basically it’s me going crazy with Duo-color and Framings ^^ Hope you like it. I needed a sexy video on my channel. Shippings: Dean/Stripper Sam/Ruby Castiel/Meg Dean/Tessa Castiel/Anna Dean/Cassy Sam/Madison Sam/Karen Dean/Anna Castiel/Prostitute Comment and rate, please ^^ Btw, have you guys seen the amazing first look at the western episode 6x17 at the paley festival??? FRIGGIN AWESOME!!
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