Hong Kong Under Red Shadow (1949)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Hong Kong under Red Shadow. M/S through window of airport control tower of Skymaster, plane leaving Kingsford Smith airfield, Sydney for Hong Kong. Aerial shot of the countryside. L/S of the Labuan a small island off the coast of Borneo. M/S people alighting from plane at Labuan airport. L/S of main street of Labuan. M/S of barges in harbour that brought ashore men of the 9th Division in 1945. M/S derelict barges. L/S cemetery full of graves who fell in the encounter. M/S Graves being attended by islanders. Shots of people arriving at Hong Kong airport. M/S a Chinese dhow sailing in harbour. M/S Ferry Boat. Hong Kong waterfront seen in the background. M/S Hordes of houseboats in Causeway Bay. M/S Houseboats. M/S Occupants of houseboat coming and going from boat to quay. M/S of children on houseboat. Shots of native Bazaar. L/S of block of flats draped with washing. Several good shots of Hong Kong street scenes. C/U of Union J
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