Montgomery At English Speaking Union Annual Dinner (1949)

New York, United States of America (USA). Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (Monty) speaking at the annual dinner of English Speaking Union - natural sound. He thanks for the invitation to speak, glad to be there, great hospitality etc. He announces that he will speak about the western union, and asks ’what is the trouble in the world today?’ He continues by saying that the first problem is of economic nature, consequence of the two world war, and the second problem is ideological division which came before solving the first problem. He talks about the war and Churchill then starts the analysi...s of the ideological problem to continue: “’s far easier for us to understand one another and any other two nations. The more your nation and mine mix up with each other, the better for world peace. The fighting men of our two nations fought side by side in two great wars In the late war I was proud to serve under American command (applause). Tonight, I’m wearing the badge of the Chief Commander of the Legion of
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