DIY Standing Pencil Case, Pencil Pouch | Free Pattern | gift idea | 스탠드 필통 만들기 | made by JOJO

▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ [...more] Click! ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ I made a standing pencil case. There is plenty of storage space, so you can put scissors, glue, etc. Download the pattern and make it. Linen, Non-woven fusible interfacing, No.3 zipper 30cm (12“) Finished size 8cm x 6cm x 21cm (3¼“ x 2⅜“ x 8¼“) 00:17 Dimensions 00:21 Materials 00:43 Attaching interfacing 01:13 Zipper 02:32 Handle 05:09 Making the bottom part. 06:45 Connecting up and down. 🌼 Pictures & Patterns 🌼 More Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------------- • Instagram : • Pinterest : • • • E-mail : madeb...yjojo@ ---------------------------------------------------------------- #pencilcase #standingpencilcase #pencilcasediy #madebyjojo #pencilpouch 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : Autumn Wind -
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