Graziano Corelli’s tribute to Franco on the 19th anniversary of his passing (2022)

Join Graziano, close friend and second cousin of the tenor on a visit to Franco and his friends on the wings of imagination. Many thanks for the photos to the Corellians in various Facebook groups, the Franco Corelli Photo Album Facebook page, the ETTORE BASTIANINI Facebook group, the Associazione Ettore Bastianini and Emanuela Bianchi Porro. In this playlist you will find more commemorations of Franco Corelli (mostly in Italian). Watch Graziano’s other videos about Franco in this playlist: #francocorelli #ilsupremo #inmemoriam _________________________________________________________________ This channel is an extension of the Facebook group of the same name, where we share original articles, interviews, useful and informative documents, links, resources about Franco Corel
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