Reduce Reuse Recycle Song - Sustainability Song for Schools | EYFS, KS1 & KS2

Reduce Reuse Recycle Song for EYFS, KS1 & KS2 - A song all about sustainability! It’s a really fun song that helps children at school learn about reducing, reusing and recycling materials and objects. Scroll down for The Three Rs for kids song lyrics! Perfect if you’re covering recycling and reducing waste in primary school, elementary school, kindergarten and preschool. - CLICK HERE FOR OUR EARTH DAY ANIMATION WHICH TELLS YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EARTH DAY AND INCLUDES THIS SONG AT THE END! FOR ALL OUR SONGS, ANIMATIONS, TUTORIALS & RESOURCES - VISIT - (we have way more songs, etc, on our website! Regards Al) Silly School Education is a family run company based in Cambridge, UK, that specialises in writing songs and musical productions for primary schools! We create fun, educational, songs and musical for children in primary & elementary schools ages 5-11 years (EYFS, KS1, KS2). We hope you hope you enjoy the songs and animations as much as we enjoy making them! If you do watch our YouTube videos it would be really, really helpful to us if you could subscribe to the channel. If you can’t, don’t worry, it’s all good. Thanks very much - Alex & Trisha. Subscribe link - If you do watch our YouTube videos it would be really, really helpful to us if you could subscribe to the channel. If you can’t, don’t worry, it’s all good. Thanks very much - Alex & Trisha. Subscribe link - We also have a range of fun, educational videos and playlists that cover maths, English grammar, science, shapes, the seasons, phonics and much, much, more! Silly School Education is a small, family run company based in Cambridgeshire, UK, that specialises in writing songs and musical productions for primary schools! We are Alex, a professional songwriter/musician and Trisha a Deputy Head and teacher at our local primary school. We create fun, educational, unique plays and songs for children in primary schools ages 5-11 years (EYFS, KS1, KS2). All of our primary school plays and songs are co-written and produced together. We hope you hope you enjoy the songs and animations as much as we enjoy making them! Stay in touch! Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Website - All songs written by Silly School Education Copyright owned by Silly School Education Reduce Reuse Recycle Song lyrics Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle REDUCE Create less waste throw less things away REUSE Use things again and again RECYCLE Could what you’ve finished with become something new REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE It’s what we must do Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle Ask yourself Do I need to buy something new Ask yourself Can I use this a different way Ask yourself Could this material become something else REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE It’s what we all must do Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle Plastic Paper Cardboard Wood Metal Textiles Stone and Glass Aluminium Bricks And Wires Compost Copper Steel And Brass Plastic bottles Old tin cans Garden waste and Magazines Old sweet wrappers Old t shirts Reduce Reuse Recycle please Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle
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