Tribute To Rockefeller (1937)

Title reads: “Tribute to Rockefeller“. In memory of millionaire John Davison Rockefeller. United States of America (USA). M/S of modest gravestones in cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. M/S of column monument with word ’Rockefeller’ engraved on it. C/U of very elderly John D Rockefeller Senior. C/U of American flag flying at half mast. M/S of office block - according to narrator JDR’s first place of business. Various shots of gushing oil pipes and enormous oil refineries - all part of Rockefeller legacy. Various shots of JDR walking out of building and past a crowd. He gives an coin to a toddler - narrator explains JDR gave dimes to encourage thrift. Various shots JDR indulging in his favourite hobby - golf. M/S of JDR in a deck chair, in a garden. He gives his last newsreel speech. He asks people to have faith in humanity and in God and that we all must play our part in building a better world. Various shots of buildings built by JDR - the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research
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