yt: TURNABOUT PRODUCED MIXED EDITED AND SHOT BY GONER Guitar by ASUKA Starring Morgue and Trapgothgeisha LYRICS Come get in the V with me girl i wanna die with you i know its hard i know you want i wanna kill us 2 i wanna kill us 2 i wanna kill us 2 Wont you break thru my skull We dying far from home Leather skin and bones Melted all in one Blue and red distress Seatbelt cut her neck Highway shut down Incident management Callin home Unto our parents They wont see my face again Im sitting in my room Im bout to burn a cigarette Know we thinking about our death The fire we just set We got no options left We got go into the road I need to take my final breath F*CK D*MN Hear the metal sheet screech baby it just you and me Tires and our skin Melting down under our feet When we become the road We finished what we spoke When we become the sun when you become my SOUL #turnabout #witchhouse #crt
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