30 диалогов в повседневной жизни

✅ Family ✅ Restaurant ✅ Books ✅ Travel ✅ A Website ✅ Food ✅ Household appliances ✅ Favorite toys ✅ Presents ✅ A Historical place ✅ I haven’t had lunch yet ✅ Is that your girlfriend? ✅ I have something to show you ✅ That looks old ✅ That’s not enough ✅ Where would you take her? ✅ Are you worried? ✅ I’ve never seen it before ✅ Is it cold outside? ✅ What are you two talking about? ✅ I have a few questions ✅ Cousins ✅ Who is your favorite author? ✅ You look familiar ✅ A challenge ✅ An allergy ✅ Ordering coffee ✅ A fan club ✅ Visiting grandparents ✅ Reading the instructions
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