Modern House Part 3- Main floor steel & frame front porch

This episode sees the completion of the main floor steel as well as framing the front porch to create material storage on a tight job site. The video was made from one week of footage shot Monday through Friday. The crane was the last part of the day on Friday thanks to a cancellation and it came a couple hours sooner than I was expecting it, so I wasn’t able to plan shots or even move the camera around much to capture it. Hopefully the time lapse will tell enough of a story. 0:00 - Set w14x132 3:20 - Set w14x61 8:26 - Set w14x53 14:47 - Set w14x90 18:53 - Scaffolding 23:12 - Check elevations 27:52 - Make shims 37:54 - Layout and set cross beams 52:33 - Pack porch beam 58:14 - Useful hanger tip 1:03:34 - Stock beams and lumber 1:16:50 - Set final forklift beam 1:19:44 - Crane for final beams
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