All The Little Girls Wanna Be Like Taylor Swift (Diamond Dreams)

A song I wrote about Taylor. Special thanks to my very secret guest vocalist from Tennessee... WORDS: Just a little girl out of nowhere. A girl who knew what dreams are for. Set her sights on being someone. Her music was to open the door. She worked hard for what she wanted. It was a labour of love. Her and her family pushing harder. Guess you could say, the girl did good. Now all little girls wanna be Taylor Swift. She’s everything that they want to be. The boys are only looking for kisses. Boys had better learn how to dream. She got rock determination. Full of diamond dreams. Now half the world wants to be Taylor. Or just a little like, a little like, Taylor Swift. She’s up there now, and she’s happy. Remembers, where it all began. Counts her blessings and she’s thankful. Thankful to her family and clan. She worked hard for what she wanted. She gave the best that she could. Aiming high she never gave up. Guess you could say, the girl did good. Now all little girls wanna be Taylor Swift. She’s everything that they want to be. The boys are only looking for kisses. Boys had better learn how to dream. She got rock determination. Full of diamond dreams. Now half the world wants to be Taylor. Or just a little like, a little like, Taylor Swift. Looking back it wasn’t easy. Still the best fun you had. So shake it out, with another sick beat. Be happy, the best that you can. Best that you can. Now all little girls wanna be Taylor Swift. She’s everything that they want to be. All little girls wanna be Taylor. Guess we’d… just better wait and see. All little girls wanna be Taylor Swift. She’s everything that they want to be. All the little girls wanna be Taylor Swift I guess we’d… just better wait and see. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Hallgreenboy (S C Hamill) © Copyright: HamTamMusic and Hallgreenboy Thanks to Past Digger.
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