‘Bach and the Thomaskantorat ’, Discussing Bach 3 (October 2021)

Steven Zohn, Barbara M. Reul, Ursula Kramer, and Michael Maul in live discussion. Recorded on 18 August 2021 This video is part of Discussing Bach 3 (October 2021). Visit for full contents including Editorial Introduction, Authorised Transcript, two new articles, and a list of further reading and listening. To activate the English subtitles click the CC button. расшифровка! --- Further reading and listening Michael Maul, Bach’s Famous Choir: The Saint Thomas School in Leipzig, 1212–1804, trans. R. Howe. Boydell, 2018 Steven Zohn, ’Telemann as Thomaskantor? An Historical Capriccio’, Discussing Bach 3 (October 2021): 15–30 Barbara M. Reul, ’“It was impossible for me to leave“–Johann Friedrich Fasch and the Thomaskantorat in 1722’, Discussing Bach 3 (October 2021): 31–44 Ursula Kramer, ‘“was ihn zur mutation bewege”: Christoph Graupner und seine Bewerbung um die Stelle des Leipziger Thomaskantorats’, Bach-Jahrbuch 109 (2023): projec
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