10 Famous Budweiser Super Bowl Commercials

Budweiser Super Bowl ads are iconic, so I decided to include some of them in a video, especially the ones I think are the most famous. Many of them didn’t make it into my selection and the decision wasn’t easy for me. However, the hardest part was finding them in a decent quality in the first place. It’s as if the responsible ones didn’t even bother to keep these gems available. Congratulations to Anheuser Busch, the advertising agencies, and all the people who created these jewels. I hope you enjoy them. These ads are included: 1. Budweiser, “Lost Dog” from the 2015 Super Bowl with Don Jeanes, the famous Clydesdales and a cute puppy – this is actually a follow up to “Puppy Love” from the 2014 Super Bowl which is the follow up to “Brotherhood“ from the 2013 Super Bowl 2. Budweiser, “Frogs” from the 1995 Super Bowl – this famous ad introduced “Bud”, “Weis”, and “Er” 3. Budweiser, “Canned” from the 1999 Super Bowl – this one featured the lizard resp. chameleon “
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