Why Small Pirates are DANGEROUS for MASSIVE US Navy Ships | Somali Pirates Documentary

Modern pirates now wield sophisticated weaponry and utilize advanced technology such as radar, sonar, and cyberattacks. Also called Somali Pirates. Delve into this documentary about the intricacies of modern piracy from its origins, including the rise of Somali pirates due to international exploitation, to the global implications, where Nigerian pirates eye oil cargos and Caribbean pirates intertwine with drug traffickers. Understand the cunning tactics they employ, from masquerading as fishermen to using drones for surveillance. As these threats mount, we highlight the instrumental role of the U.S. Navy in maintaining maritime security, from historic Barbary Wars to today’s multifaceted strategies. Discover how the U.S. collaborates globally, the challenges of jurisdiction over international waters, and the intricacies of maritime politics that further complicate anti-piracy efforts. Watch as we decode the strategic importance of the Navy’s dominance over trade routes, their proactive efforts in dete
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