jessica & kilgrave | depraved

before anyone says anything again or decides to accuse me of approving rape: i am not approving what Kilgrave did to Jessica, not in any way. but thay are still my guilty-pleasure-otp, because their chemistry is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. ughhhh, why i start hating many of my edits after watching them on youtube?? the colors are not like in sv, neither is the quality, text effects suck... but i really liked making it, working with sounds and it’s officially the longest video i’ve made (music tag doesn’t count) in 3 years (wow!) so... let it be. inspired by this epic edit, which made me love this song: - coloring: mine - song: Mammals - Depraved - fandom(s): Jessica Jones - edited by: Ariana2304 [id2469223|*FOLLOW] ME* -ASK ME A QUESTION- -INSTAGRAM- dsariana -TWITTER- -TUMBLR- -Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use“ for purposes such as criticism, comment, ne
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