Alternative Ulster - STAIRWAY TO REASON

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “You are dealt a hand of cards, it’s your lot in life. Born into a world of chaos, full of venom, hate and strife. A punk rock poet once said, it’s such a gamble to get a face. It’s not fair, it’s not square, and it puts you in your place. The piper’s calling you to join him, during this slaughter season, For Christ’s table, is just a fable the piper will lead us to reason. The homely must work harder, while the pretty get a pass. There’s so much at stake, for fuck’s sake, based on the shape of your ass. In every deck a joker, who’ll trip you in life’s run, the wild card will hit you hard, then kick you ‘til you’re done. The piper’s calling you to join him, during this slaughter season, For Christ’s table, is just a fable the piper will lead us to reason. To slip one up their sleeve, is what the winners learn, to achieve, they must deceive, without care nor concern. The mating call of the loser, is to whine that it’s not fair, they put their trust in what is just the devil will take that dare. The piper’s calling you to join him, during this slaughter season, For Christ’s table, is just a fable the piper will lead us to reason. from POG MO THOIN, released February 11, 2018“
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