EGYPT: Cairo students hail General Neguib (1953)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Egyptian Premier General Neguib addresses students at Cairo University about his programme to ’clean-up’ official corruption. Full Description: EGYPT: Cairo: Cairo University CAIRO - Shots as Gen Neguib addresses Cairo Students about his future ’cleaning up’ programme EGYPT - Shots CU as General Neguib addressing Cairo students on his future government programme, shots of assembled Egyptian crowds GENERAL NEGUIB (Egypt Premier) - Shots CU as he addresses mob of Cairo students about his ’cleaning up’ programme Egypt; Personalities - Armed Forces Background: Egyptian Premier General Neguib addresses students at Cairo University about his programme to ’clean-up’ official corruption. FILM ID: VLVACI724FSULURVWGMGPZHGET7LN To license this film, visit
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