РИШАД ШАФИ & “Гунеш“ (Голубой огонёк 1984г.) !

RISHAD SHAFI and its “Gunesh“ (1984) ! Occurrence of RISHAD, has affected and has reversed a musical direction “Gunesh“ which repertoire, at that point in time, consisted of the Soviet and Turkmen songs, becoming STYLISH JAZZ GROUP later! And as consequence, the first successful performance at Foreign Festival «Is green Gura», and suddenly followed invitation to Warsaw, for shootings of a musical film-concert of group! Shootings passed in 2nd studios. It is necessary to add that at this studio removed, for example, performances Tom Jones, “ABBA“, “BoneyM“ Representation at the Bulgarian Festival «Gold Orfej» with translation on all television channels was the following! The first outstanding success has come at sensational rock festival “Tbilisi-80“, on which RISHAD has been noted by the special diploma as the BEST DRUMMER! The next years with group “Gunesh“ has travelled the half-world, having visited as the Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary) And in the exotic countries of Asia and A
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