Super Ponybeat — The Flim Flam Brothers (Locomotion Mix) - Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey & Rina

The Flim Flam Brothers (Locomotion Mix): THE FLIM FLAM BROTHERS (LOCOMOTION MIX) by Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey Rina (Original song by D. Ingram Remixed by Eurobeat Brony) Album artwork by With background vocals and the voices of Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity provided by Rina, the voice actress behind Twilight Sparkle in the “.mov“ series, several voices in Brawl Taunts, and Princess Peach in “Ignorance is Bliss“! Visit her site at or look her up on Facebook! EDIT: I’m aware that the video has parts where one side goes out of synch with the other; this does not occur in the original song. Darn it Final Cut Pro!! Smile, Smile, Smile is coming next, so look forward to that~!
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