Types of movies - Film genres - English vocabulary lesson

In this English lesson we look at the names of typical types of movies / film genres in English. We give a definition and examples of each of the following genres: Action, Adventure, Animated, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Musical, Romance, Science fiction (Sci-Fi), Thriller and Western. We also give a definition of FILM GENRE and what it means. See our complete English lesson here: What type of movies / film genres do YOU like? Let us know in the comments section below. Here are the sections of our English lesson about types of movies: 0:00 Introduction 0:14 What is a film genre? 0:52 Action movies 1:35 Adventure movies 2:08 Animated movies 2:44 Comedy movies 3:13 Drama movies 3:38 Fantasy movies 4:14 Historical movies 4:55 Horror movies 5:34 Musical movies 6:08 Romance movies 6:47 Science Fiction movies 7:26 Thriller movies 8:00 Western movies
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