Watergate, the courts, and impeachment (1974) | ARCHIVES

March 13–14, 1974: This AEI Round Table engages seven experts on politics and law in a searching consideration of the broad question: has Watergate revealed the need for basic reforms in the institutions and processes of American government and politics? The participants begin by exploring the advisability of proposed reforms in the area of campaign financing and spending. They also look closely at the scope of presidential powers and consider the wisdom of changing the structure and function of the American presidency. In closing, they exchange views on the reach of the impeachment power and on the definition of impeachable offenses. Panelists: Charles S. Hyneman — fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Richard M. Scammon — director, Elections Research Center of the Governmental Affairs Institute Harry H. Wellington — professor of law, Yale Law School Aaron Wildavsky — dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley James Q. Wilson — professor of governm
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