Ultimate Tour of a Doomsday Bunker, Inside the Luxury Survival Condos

The Luxury Survival Condos & doomsday bunkers are built to protect against a catastrophic event while offering privacy and comfort for its residents. Our charge was to design audiovisual systems in each private residence and all public spaces to make residents feel at home. This bunker has been featured on CNN, NBC News, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, and many more new stations world wide. Logic Integration designed and installed a massive AV system for a Missile Silo Doomsday Bunker in Kansas. Features Crestron Digital Media, Sonex, Lighting Control, Surveillance, Planar Video Walls, Stewart Filmscreen, DPI 1080p LED Projector, Cinema tech Theater Seats, Fully integrated multi-zone AV systems, Secure wired and wireless, network systems, Samsung LED displays, iPad control, Crestron Digital Media distribution, Crestron intercom, Crestron lighting control, Crestron in-wall touch panels Samsung LCD screen window “landscapes“ for HD viewing of the live world outside.
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