Beating Those Dreary Day Blahs | Rambling in the Rain | Mental Health | ASMR | Relaxation | (Sleep?)

Waking up to a cloudy day is enough to put one into a foul mood. Add some cold weather and rain on top of that, oh and that’s just the icing on the cake! (And we haven’t even begun to talk about everything else that one might be dealing with underneath all that!) But that’s exactly how it was for me on this particular cold, damp, rainy day, just like so many others before it. But instead of spending the day preparing for a future video, I decided to do what I often do: take what the universe was offering and do something with it. I mean it’s clearly obvious the universe wanted this video to happen, and who am I to question what the universe wants? So like a good little puppet I pushed the video that was scheduled to be published for today to Sunday, grabbed my recording gear and an umbrella, and scampered out into the local woods to kill two eldritch horrors with one stone: work through my own funk by making a video exactly about these kinds of gloomy, rainy days and their effect on ou
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