A Change is gonna come

Liebe Freunde. Der dritte Musiktitel passend zu Zeit, »A Change is gonna come« (eine Veränderung wird kommen) Song 1964 von Sam Cooke In Anbetracht der sich zuspitzenden außenpolitischen Lage, habe ich dieses Musikstück gecovert. Dazu der originale Text: I was born by the river, in a little tent Oh, and just like the river I’ve been running ever since It’s been a long A long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will It’s been too hard living But I’m afraid to die ’Cause I don’t know what’s up there Beyond the sky It’s been a long A long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will I go to the movie And I go downtown Somebody keep telling me Don’t hang around It’s been a long A long time coming But I know, a change gonna come Oh, yes it will Then I go to my brother And I say, brother, help me please But he win
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