I Need a Shirou Too

#Fate/Stay #Shirou The channel Aron Headbutt: The Original I need a Shirou: This video is inspired by Aron Headbutt, they made the first “I need a shirou” over 4 years ago. I remember first seeing it about two years ago and absolutely loved it. I’ve listened to it so much that I can sing “Holding out for a hero” with no problems now 😅. With the semi recent Heavens feel Movies we got lots of awesome Shirou moments and I thought “would be cool if those were in an I need a Shirou”. So after a year of sitting on the idea I decided to make it myself and this is the result. It’s very amateurish and I think thats obvious, but over all I really like what I did. Some parts are similar to the original and that is intentional because I felt those scenes had to go there as a sort of “Homage” to the awesomeness of the original. I’ve lefts links to both the channel and the original video By Aron Headbutt.
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