Rev. Rob Schenck: How Can Abortion Be Murder If Lots Of Women Have Had One?

Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the Dietrich Boenhoeffer Institute and a former conservative activist, describes how his thinking on abortion has changed during an October 2020 townhall discussion held by Red Letter Christians. --TRANSCRIPT HIGHLIGHTS-- I was using the phrase, you know, “Abortion is murder“ routinely in my preaching, my speaking, the interviews I gave to media, in my general conversation, private and public. And yet at the same time, when I looked at the numbers that somebody alluded to earlier, I can’t remember, 25 percent of American women, I was nagged by a question. Are 25 percent of American women guilty of murder? They are murderers? It doesn’t comport with reason. It’s not a reasonable conclusion. After all, it’s God who invites us to reason together. “Come, let us reason together, says the Lord.“ [citing Isaiah 1:18] ... This isn’t really a question about whether the unborn child is is sacred but whether all the other
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