Quiet Like Snow

“What would it take?“ I love this song, its really calms me down. I wanted something sad, and heartful, and since bokura ga ita is the sadest anime/manga i’ve ever read/watched, i picked it! it didn’t come out as i originally planned because i did half of the video before i rememebered i had a plan for it, so i just went with it! I focused alot on the snow scenes, and led me to find out that a episode i needed of bokura ga ita is messed up on my computer.. so yes, this video is basically one episode lolol. this took about five hours, plus a hour rendering, plus another hour of rerendering. i know its VERY raw, i debated for a good time weither i should add text and effects, but i think with this song, its best without alot going on. (sorry the flickering at the end is kinda distracting, it was even worse but i toned it down a bit, thats why i had to rerender it =_=; ) ...Also I made this instead of doing my final exam. hahaha. -facepalm- Anime: Bokura Ga Ita
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