[MV] 여자친구(GFRIEND) _ 너 그리고 나 (NAVILLERA)
*English subtitles are now available.
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After a successful three-part School series, GFRIEND has become a star rookie on the charts. A year and six months since then, the girls are ready to return with their first full-length album, [LOL].
The album’s title “LOL“ is an abbreviation of “Laughing out loud“, as well as “Lots of love“. Such title and album best represent the unique character that GFRIEND has developed over time.
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アルバムのタイトル名『LOL』は、‘Laughing out loud(大きく笑う)’と‘Lots of Love(愛をたっぷり送る)’という二つの意味を込めており、これまでGFRIENDが追求してきたGFRIEND特有のキャラクターをより一層確実に見せてくれるアルバムである。
학교 3부작의 성ᅋ