K.R. Arguelles feat. NAM1541 - !! ~BE BRAVE~

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “A song about a girl telling the person she likes to take the leap and ask her out. classic Anime high-school theme lyrics 勇気を出して!! [Be Brave] Verse 知り合いたい なら少し 勇気 を出してみては? [Why don’t you show me some courage if you want to know more about me?] 言いたいならば 言えよ [Tell me what you want to say] 言い づらいけど [(I know) it’s hard to tell] Hook ちゃんと 勇気を 出して み た ら [Just give it a try with courage] いい 結果になるかも [It may be a good result (hidden meaning: if you told me, we may get together after)] 「一緒 にいたいよ」「付き合おう」言っては ダメ? [Can’t you say, “I like you” or “Let’s date”?] Chorus 機会があれば 逃さない ように手を出して 掴めよ [If you’d have a chance, don’t run away from it. Take my hand and grab the chance] 未知を向かって 怖いけれど さぁ 進め [(I know) it is scary when facing uncertainties, let’s move forward (hidden meaning: take a leap, be brave to face the uncertainties within our relationship)] Verse 2 気付いていない と思う けど 実はそうじゃない [You may think I didn’t sense anything (your feeling), but I did] 行動しなくても 感じる [Even you didn’t take any actions, but I can still feel it] 熱い 眼差しが Hook すごく 気になる ほど感じている けど [I can feel it through your gazing. But Chorus 言わないとは 伝えない [I can’t confirm it (your actual feeling) if you didn’t tell me] ちゃんと言ってみよう 届けよ [Try to speak up (your feeling will be) delivered] 結果はどうなる? 分かんないけど 言えよ [What result would it be? (Hidden meaning: Would we get together?) I’m not sure but just say it! (Hidden meaning: no matter how the relationship of us would be, I would love to know your feelings)] Bridge 一人で 悩んで 言ってみないとは 分かんない [I wouldn’t know if you didn’t tell and troubled by alone] Chorus 機会があれば 逃さない ように手を出して 掴めよ [If you’d have a chance, don’t run away from it. Take my hand and grab the chance] 未知を向かって 勇気を出して さぁ 言うよ [Facing the unknown (future), say it with your courage] from Shibuya Underground, released May 23, 2023 Vocals by NAM1541 Words written by Suki L.“
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