ERW Fight Night 2023 ()

1. Chris Rush vs. Jessy Jay (No Disqualification Match) 2. Chris Tyson (c) vs. Nick Schreier (ERW East Division Title Match) 3. Bier Hoolz (Garett Noah & Matt Buckna) (c) vs. Diamonds And Rust (Aaron Insane & Michael Noel) (ERW Tag Team Title Match) 4. Marius Al-Ani vs. Fast Time Moodo (ERW Title #1 Contendership Match) 5. Die Draufgänger (Cody Kidman & Joey Light) vs. Baklava Club (Aytac Bahar & Joshua Amaru) vs. Chris Cage & Otto Stahl vs. Rubix & Temper 6. Pascal Spalter vs. Ronaldo Shaqiri 7. Franz Engel vs. Alex Ace vs. Zeritus vs. Dieter Schwartz (ERW East Division Title #1 Contendership Four Way Match) 8. John Klinger vs. Axel Tischer (ERW Title Match (vakant))
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