The Mystery of Christ: An Athonite Catechism (Lesson 5) — The Burning Yet Unconsumed Bush

Theophanies (Manifestations) of the Fleshless Logos (Word): The Burning Yet Unconsumed Bush Join us for our Q&A for members and subscribers after this lesson: On Youtube: for members: On Crowdcast: for patrons: On Instagram: for subscribers: On : for subscribers: Come and sit at the feet of the professors of the Desert, those initiated into the Mystery. They will guide us through the entirety of the Economy of Salvation, from the pre-existence of the Logos, to His Revelation and Incarnation, and His Elevation and Session at the Right Hand of the Father. Presenting, examining and explaining the book: Τὸ Μυστήριον τοῦ Χριστοῦ (The Mystery of Christ),
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