New show, new ship edited on this channel ! And I dedicated this video to my dear friend Kitty, because I love her, because she’s an amazing person, one of the most amazing, talented, sweet, smart and brave person that I meet in my entire life, one of my closest friends today, and the little devil who bring me into that show and into that ship. This is for you, babe.
So so so, Gotham is kinda popular as a show, but in case you don’t know it, it’s a TV show around the DC Universe, more or less on Batman mainly, or rather, of how Batman become Batman, but we also have sooooo many others characters of the DC comics in that wonderful show. I fall for the DC universe some months ago now and Gotham was one of the first I watched about it. I LOVED THE SHOW, deeply, it’s an amazing show with so many interesting ships and characters, and well, I completely felt mainly for Batcat and Nygmakins.
Nygmakins, Ed and Lee so, or one of the most hated ship of that show but eh! Nothing new there, right ? 50% of my ships are ships that the fandom hate sooooo I’m used to it lol. I LOVED SO MUCH ED AND LEE TOGETHER. I couldn’t help but see Lee completely change and evolve in such an interesting way in season 4, around Ed, and I’m always so weak for a criminal man who are ready to everything for his woman... plus their relationship have their part of darkness too (they stab each other at the end ! this is proof of love ! lol). My biggest disappointment of Gotham is what they made to that ship, erasing it completely in season 5 to just put back Lee in what she used to be ; only the girlfriend/wife of Jim and nothing more. When she was with Ed, she was a queen. Can’t understand how the fandom loved that kinda of fate more for her than that what she got in season 4 next to Ed, but well.
Anyway, if you hate that ship, well, first why are you here lol, but please be adult and just move on, I’m used to haters in fandom and I will deal with every hateful comment against the ship like I do every time : I will delete it without according to it any kind of interest. So save your time and mine too.
And if you love that ship, I hope you will enjoy that edit ! I have another idea for them and many others idea for Gotham so you can expect more :D And I’m proud to say that I join the #Nygmakins shippers. We will never be too much lol.
Go sub to my girl too, Kythereia, because she deserve it :
Also, I can’t believe I actually edited that song. This is an edit of my dear DarkEleni on Charles and Eleanor with that song who make me wanted to edits myself years ago. It make me feel something to finally have that song edited on my channel. Go check her edit by the way, after all, it’s thanks to this edit that I’m here today :
Fandom - Characters : Ed Nygma/The Riddler & Lee Thompkins, Gotham, DC Universe.
Song : “Aquarius“ by Within Temptation.
Coloring : “After Midnight“ by LaurenMichelle.
Program : SVP14.
#fanvidfeed #nygmakins #gotham #viddingisart
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