Английский язык 11 класс (Урок№15 - Crime and the law.)

Английский язык 11 класс Урок№15 - Crime and the law. Crime and the law. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Have you been attacked in the dark street? Have you ever been mugged? Let’s hope, you’ve never had such problems. мы узнаем: о том, что такое «закон» и «преступление»; мы научимся: избегать опасных ситуаций; мы сможем: рассказать об опасной ситуации. Crime and the law. Crime is an illegal activity. Criminals can rob a bank. They can burgle a house. They can mug people in the street. Pickpockets can steal your purse. Thefts of cars are also possible. Criminals can kidnap people. Vandals often damage monuments and buildings in a city. Gullible people often become the victims of fraudsters. The police –officers chase and arrest criminals. They take them to the court. Witnesses speak at the court. If actions of a suspected person are found unlawful, he/she can be announced guilty. Sometimes they confess to a crime. The judges sentence culprits to imprisonment. In the cases of offences, people can pay a fine.
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