A Great Hoax in the Great Pyramid of Egypt? | Ancient Architects

High up in the relieving chambers of the Great Pyramid of Egypt there are a number of workers quarry marks, red ochre graffiti that reveals the name of King Khufu. This is one piece of evidence used by Egyptologists, and also many independent researchers, to date the Great Pyramid to the 4th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. And there isn’t just one solitary piece of graffiti. Khufu’s name does not appear just once. There are in fact 12-15 different instances of his name inside the relieving chambers, including different variants. They were first discovered by Howard Vyse and John Shae Perring in the early 19th century, and it was the first solid piece of evidence that allowed us to put a time stamp on this enigmatic structure. The Great Pyramid was built in the reign of Khufu – his name is written all over it. But today, in the age of the internet, this dating evidence remains one of the most controversial subjects in relation to the Great Pyramid. So many people believe the graf
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