Cyber Neko - A 10,000 uniquely, programmatically generated, cute and collectible Cyber Neko - YouTube

Cyber Neko Description: Cyber Neko is a 10,000 uniquely, programmatically generated, cute and collectible Cyber Neko with proof of ownership stored on the Fantom blockchain | We’re building a community for DeFi users with the theme of Zootopia, where the Cyber Neko is the first class citizen. Cyber Neko is our first NFT collection, which is also the ticket pass for becoming a citizen of Pod town. Owning a NFT in our collection will also have membership access to a town, whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Cyber Neko can also serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you as well as early access to receive $POD airdrop or buy $POD token in the seeding round. There will only ever be 10,000 Cyber Nekos for you to adopt so act fast before swag runs out!
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