Christmas Collective Meditation & Video Gift for Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi | Sunday 25th Dec 2022

Merry Christmas! By Shri Mataji’s grace, 2022 was another year of wonderful projects and events that enhanced the lives of Sahaja Yogis and seekers worldwide. On Christmas, we humbly offer to our Our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a video compilation of our many Australian and international activities as a symbol of our collective dedication to Her and our desire to bring Her vision for humanity to fruition. * * * * * * * Shri Mataji, we bow to You again and again. We thank You for our Self-Realisation and for allowing us to recognise and worship You. Our only desire is to please You and to be appreciated by You. We love You with all our hearts. TO OUR HOLY MOTHER, SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI We humbly offer this video compilation of our national 2022 projects and initiatives at Your Lotus Feet * * * * * * *
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