The Constitutional Convention Coup

Should we invoke Article 5 and call a new Constitutional Convention? This episode looks at the original con-con as a con and a coup against the Articles of Confederation and State Constitutions written by the people. I examine why the term ’anti-Federalist’ is Orwellian double-speak for those who supported a federal government against the centralizers. The Framers were primarily motivated by direct taxation to fund a standing army in peacetime, and the protection of slavery. When people praise the Constitution, they usually mean the Bill of Rights--which were the condition under which the States ratified. But instead of their dozens of substantive changes, Madison wrote what he called his “nauseous project of amendments“ to nullify and neuter the opposition. Third Paradigm on Substack: How to Dismantle an Empire: #terezacoraggio #constitution #article5 #federalists #anti
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