Anatomy Of The Psoas & Iliacus Muscles - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the anatomy of the sartorius muscle. Psoas major origin: the psoas major muscle arises from the transverse processes and the lateral aspects of the vertebral bodies T12-L5. Psoas major insertion: the psoas runs downward across the pelvic brim and then passes deep to the ilioinguinal ligament where it then forms a tendon past the hip joint capsule which inserts into the lesser trochanter of the femur. Psoas major innervation: innervation of the psoas major occurs from L1 to L3 of the lumbar plexus. (L1,L2,L3). Psoas major function: hip flexion. Iliacus origin: the iliacus arises from the iliac fossa on the interior side of the hip bone and also from the region of the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS). Illiacus insertion: the iliacus inserts into the base of the lesser trochanter of femur. Innervation: the iliopsoas is innervated by the femoral nerve and direct branches from the lumbar plexus. Iliacus function: as a part of t
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