Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles | Settlement Trailer

Play the demo now, build your Bulwark! Hot off the back of touring the Gamescom and WASD gaming events over the past month, Tomas has updated and released the Evolving demo once more - this time adding new settlements and locations for the factions returning from The Falconeer. With the addition of settlements to the game, and the factions that inhabit them, players have a whole new way to interact with the inhabitants of the Great Ursee - either by recruiting them as allies - or conquering them to keep threats to your expansion under control. Additionally a powerful naval unit called the ’Pocket Dreadnot’ and a new Commander were revealed as free Day One Content for those who wishlist the game now and pick up the game at launch as a thank you to long term supporters of the Evolving Demo. Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles is a chilled base builder, focusing on the joy of freeform creation. Build, defend and expand fortified settlements shaped by the harsh
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