Pachelbel Canon in D Major. Voices of Music, original version, filmed in 8K video

Johann Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major, performed on original instruments. Voices of Music Hanneke van Proosdij & David Tayler, directors Cynthia Miller Freivogel, Elizabeth Blumenstock & Augusta McKay Lodge, baroque violins (left to right) Elisabeth Reed, baroque cello Hanneke van Proosdij, baroque organ David Tayler, archlute About the performance: the canon is played using not only the instruments but also the bowing techniques from the time of Pachelbel. A new edition for the music was made from the earliest manuscript source. As you can see from the video, especially if you look at the high definition version, the string instruments are not only baroque, but they are in baroque setup: this means that the strings, fingerboard, bridge and other parts of the violin appear just as they did in Pachelbel’s time. No metal hardware such as chinrests, clamps or fine tuners are used on the violins, allowing the violins to vibrate freely. A good example of baroque bowing can
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