The Earth is cracking! Powerful M6.4 earthquake rocked Biobio, Chile

Natural disaster. The earth is cracking! Powerful M6.4 earthquake rocked Bio-Bio, Chile A magnitude-6.4 offshore earthquake occurred in the South Pacific Ocean off central Chile. The epicenter was about 18 km north-northwest of Lebu in Bio-Bio Region. The tremor occurred at a depth of about 10 km, and moderate-to-strong shaking was probably felt near the epicenter in Bio-Bio Region. Light shaking likely occurred across central Chile, including Araucania, Los Lagos #earthquake #Biobio #chile #Lebou #naturaldisasters A natural disaster is a serious adverse event caused by natural processes on Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, rain, hail, wildfires, waves, wind, snow, weather, and other geological processes. Earthquake today news: Daily monitoring of earthquakes around the planet. Be aware of events
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