Ensemble: Schola Hungarica, Musikhögskolan i Malmö, Lunds Domkyrkas Gosskör
Album: Erik Den Heliges Hystoria
Video: Medieval church drawing of King Erik
My fiancée bought this wonderful record in a shop a few months ago, intrigued by the theme and the figure of the Swedish king Erik IX. Once at home we really liked the record and I decided to try to share it with you. This work is based on the life of Saint Erik, whose story I refer to wikipedia: .
Fragments concerning the saint’s life are found in several manuscripts, this album refers to 13th century sources.
Unfortunately the titles are many and the spaces available have run out, so for detailed information consult the libretto of this work.
I wish you happy listening!
Mirko Virignio Volpe
1 Bell-ringing
2 Versiculum: Deus In Adiutorium
3 Antiphona: Assunt Erici & Psalm. 113
4 Antiphona: Gaudeat Eximiis & Psalm. 117
5 Antiphona: Hic Insignitus & Psalm. 146
6 Antiphona: Dulcis Amice Dei & Psalm. 147
7 Antiphona: Da Deus Ut Mitis & Psalm. 147:12
8 Capitulum: Tu Domine Eligisti
9 Responsorium: O Miles Christi
10 Hymnus: Adest Dies Leticie
11 Versiculum: Ora Pro Nobis Beate Erice
12 Antiphona: Ave Martyr Pretiose & Magnificat
13 Collecta: Dominus Vobiscum
14 Organ Improvisation On Ave Martyr Pretiose
15 Bell-ringing
16 Versiculum: Domine Labia Mea Aperias
17 Invitatorium: Christum Suppliciter & Psalm. 95
18 Hymnus: Hymnum Nove Leticie
19 Antiphona: Rex Erat Ericus & Psalm. 2
20 Antiphona: Correxit Suecie Leges & Psalm. 21
21 Antiphona: Digne Promeruit & Psalm. 72
22 Versiculum: Gloria Et Honore Coronasti
23 Lectio Prima: Iube Domine / Gloriosus...
24 Responsorium: Pax Patrie
25 Lectio Secunda: Iube Domine / In Regali...
26 Responsorium: Amens Omnino Letali Vulnere
27 Lectio Tercia: Iube Domine / Currente...
28 Responsorium: O Miles Christi
29 Organ Improvisation On O Miles Christi
30 Te Deum Laudamus
31 Versiculum Ante Laudes: Corona Aurea
32 Antiphona: Hostia Grata Deo & Psalm. 93
33 Antiphona: Infanti Genitor & Psalm. 100
34 Antiphona: Martyr Presbytero & Psalm. 63
35 Antiphona: Ferro Transsecuit & Benedicite
36 Antiphona: O Rex Insignis & Psalm. 148
37 Capitulum: Tu Domine Eligisti
38 Hymnus: Laudes Ad Laudes Iungite
39 Versiculum: Iustus Ut Palma Florebit
40 Antiphona: Corona Fulgens Aurea & Benedictus
41 Organ Improvisation On Corona Fulgens Aurea
Ur 2: A Vesperas
42 Antifon Till Magnificat: Miles Regis Glorie
Schola Hungarica - János Bali, Zoltán Mizsei András Soós, Á Dobszay, Kinga Kemény, Lázsló Dobszay
Malmö College of Music - Niclas Frederiksson, Janniz Jönsson, Frederik Malmberg, Per Gunnar Myrstener, Dag Persson, Håkan Vramsmo, Peter Wallin, Linda Andersson, Rebecka Edvardsson, Maria Herrlin, Christina Jansson, Susanne Larsson, Johanna Leandersson, Elisabeth Mattisson, Maria Rydberg, Zara Ungh
The Lund Cathedral Boy’s Choir - Erik Emilsson, Johannes Hedin, Martin Larsson, Peter Liljas, Johannes Sandqvist, Måns Schultz, Gustav Thulin, Jacob Töringe
Lázsló Dobszay & Janka Szendrei, dirs.
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