Scottish Anarcho-Egoist Song - Depth Of My Ego

(==✪ ATTENTION ✪==) Videos in this channel don’t maintain purpose of propaganda or hatred towards any ideology, nation, race or religion. Videos have nothing to do with my own ideologies and thoughts. “Depth Of My Ego“ is a song by Matt McGinn, a Scottish singer of the radical West Scotland movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The song is inspired by the ideas of Max Stirner, a 19th century German anarcho-egoist and existentialist philosopher who was also one of the earliest proponents of individualist anarchism. (==✪ Lyrics ✪==) Deep in my heart and deep in my mind, Deep in the depth of my ego, Deep in my breast, lies a treasure chest, A world that only I can know. You may criticize me, try to analyze me, Put me in your little pigeon hole, I’ll still hold the key to the place where I am free, A world that only I control. Deep in my heart and deep in my mind, Deep in the depth of my ego, Deep in my breast, lies a treasure chest, A world that only I can know. I can love you dearly, I can love you true, I can
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